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Accelerate response time; React before it’s too late.

Do you get real-time security alerts? 
Do you watch who accesses your confidential data?

...or do you prefer not to know... until you are forced to know?!

Monitoring and Alerting (Detection)

A good security policy is built in layers. However, you need to that assume each layer can be breached, depending on the resources and motives of the perpetrator. Moreover, security incidents and events start small and quickly grow in their magnitude and implications.

Therefore, implementing multi-layers detection monitoring and alerting is a critical element of your organization’s security policy. Knowing first and responding fast can make the difference between prolonged service outage (hours, days, weeks or worse) to 30 minutes performance degradation of your network …

IPV Security’s professional team can assist both in implementing and managing your in-house detection and in providing you with a cloud based Detection-as-a-Service.

In-house Detection

If you have already built your in-house detection capabilities, then you are most probably aware how tough it is to define the rules and policies, train your staff and maintain availability of 24x7x365.
Be it a SIEM, Log Monitoring, MDM, or Data Leak Prevention (DLP) solution; IPV Security’s consultants can assist in fine-tuning it and making sure that your past investments are being leveraged properly.

Cloud Detection-as-a-Service

If you prefer outsourcing your monitoring and alerting implementations, then we can offer:

  •            Real time web sites APT, DDoS, and defacement attacks monitoring
  •            Periodic vulnerability scanning
  •            Data Security log analysis
  •            SIEM-as-a-Service

Contact us and learn more about our detection know-how!