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The growing rate of Information Security incidents, threats and regulatory complexity, combined with the business need to allow IT access from anywhere using any media...

(Such as: smartphones, phablets, tablets, etc.) require organizations to be proactive and regularly manage their Information Security risks.
The corner stone of Information Security management is achieved by an impartial professional audit aimed to expose security gaps and vulnerabilities in the context of business risk management.
IPV Security offers a wide range of security audits which provides its customers the means to manage risks proactively which includes:

  • Global Level – Cyber Defence Readiness, Risk Analysis, IS Policy and Procedures, Information Assets and Business Processes Mapping, PCI-DSS Compliance etc.
  • IT Infrastructure – Operating systems, virtualization, wired and wireless networks, Firewall and security devices implementation, mobile clients management etc.
  • IT Applications – Web-Based Inter/Intra/Extra-nets, Active Directory, Databases, IP-PBX/VoIP Employees Awareness – RSA Breach Scenario (basic) and Social Engineering/Phishing (advanced)

IPV Security's Audit-as-a-Service components are tailored to meet the needs of any organization. The service outcome is a clear and comprehensive set of reports highlighting potential vulnerabilities along with mitigation recommendations.